Sunday, July 26, 2009



一 个是满口道德经, 使用个人英雄式领导, 更无法收拾自贸区的烂摊子; 一个是走去十字路口, 向巫统借力, 而且还有把柄落在别人手中. 中央代表选他们做老大老二, 是要他们分工合作, 带领马华走出谷底, 不是让他们斗个你死我活. 现在, 最好的方法, 就是将他们的命运扎在一起, 要下台, 就让他们两个一起下台吧.
马华人才多的很, 就让老大老二一起下台, 继续成为马华的一个优良传统.
如果纪律委员会,他能按 党章124条款捉到我党贪污政棍,我将给他扣3个响头再剔光头。

124.1 暂停、开除党籍或采取任何其他行动对付任何党员,基于其言论、行动或行为上有违反、损害,不利或影响本党政策或利益,或任何以党利益为前提的理由;

124.2 暂停、解散或以任何其他行动对付任何小组委员会、委员会、支会、区会、州联委会,基于其行政无方、违反章程或对本党的政策和宗旨有妨害,或任何以党利益为前提的理由。

124.3 暂停、开除或以任何其他行动对付党负责人或党雇员、基于其失职、欺诈、无能、违抗训令、拒绝遵守中央委员会的决定,或者任何以党利益为前提的理由。


2.深挖腐败分子—Bukit Koman, Raub山埃采金事件。黄燕燕—处理不当。






政 治不應該只是追求權勢,地位,不然叫人民如何有信心把政治和國家交給我們。馬華領袖必須要有這方面的醒覺,要坚持标本兼治、注重预防的战略方针,贯彻落实 每一个诚若。要達致完美政治環境,就得先深入推广党风廉政的建设和从基层开始防止和治疗党的腐败领域,因為只有有素質,有民主主義意識的領袖,才能有良好 的制衡力量来完成人民的使命。最后我再次乎于党领导层认真检讨纪律委员会的改革。



wong said...

2009年7月20日 星期一
出处∶Malaysia Today
原题∶No Hold Barred∶Did I not tell you?
作者  ∶拉惹柏特拉
翻译  ∶西西留





《每日新闻》的一篇名为【赵明福之死浮现各种政治推测】的文章中认为这是削弱马来人主导的政府的一项议程,文章撰稿人是新海峡时报集团总编辑再納阿里芬(Zainul Ariffin Isa)。
















政府有一个宣传机构称为国家干训局(Biro Tata Negara,BTN),它的工作即是开设课程,向政府官员和刚录取和毕业的大学生进行讲解,干训局主要集中在对马来人洗脑,让他们认为马来西亚是马来人的国家,而华人、印度人和『其他人』都是外来移民。在允许他们获得公民权后,这些华人、印度人和『其他人』现在变本加厉,开始要求各种不合理的东西,包括平等权益,他们忘了他们不过是这个国家的过客,因此是二等公民,而不是一等公民。










华人称这些人为『走狗』(running dogs),虽然如此,我不会这样子称呼他们,称他们为『走狗』是不公平的,我喜欢狗,我认为狗是友善的动物,为什么我们要给国阵的这十三个成员党这个荣誉,称他们为『走狗』呢?
LABELS: 毫不留情

Anonymous said...

Many MCA blind-folded supporters and ass kissers said that there is nothing wrong with the No 1 Man, I am not in any position to say that they are incorrect, neither can I say that you are perfectly right. Before we go further, any one wanna give me your explanations / views on the following issues that had recently upset most silent people's minds:
1. Is it true that even if a person who had made mistakes before or committed some wrong doings and had been punished, he or she can't be given a chance to turn over a new leaf? It seems MCA is practicing this punitive style and punishment now! Then we can suggest close down all the jails because no one will ever turn good after being punished, sentence them to death!) (Not my opinion, it's some other GREAT man's opinion that no one can be cleaned after wrong doing!)
2. If we want to increase the number of women representatives in the cabinet or ministry level, then why is the vice president of the MCA Women who is also a MP not given the chance? Why is it that the secretary must go through the back door to be given the chance so as to be appointed as a deputy minister? You may say that it's the absolute right and power of the president, but do you know that in the eyes of the Anti-Corruption Units, now MACC, there is a type of corruption which is called Corruption of Power and can be charged??? After all, the quota was supposed to belong to Johore (as it was seized from Teng, a Johore MP, and Johore won 7 /15 MP seats for MCA!!!
3. Another candidate lost in the 308 election went through the backdoor, sigh, again from the MCA Women. I guess many people don't like Nazri, but today's paper reported what he said: if in the future, using the DNA test can verify that the offspring belongs to Teoh Beng Hock, then there is no law can stop the baby to be registered as Teoh's son. I agree in toto what he said, at least for the first time he spoke something sensible, but know what the lady said? She asked for amendments of the law, and similar to what Sharizah said, laws are laws, can't be changed, so can't register as Teoh's child. Goosh, my god, these two ladies ... ('no eyes to see', please read in cantonese, haha. Please don't quote me as gender Discriminative person, I don't mean to offend any ladies, but just these two, sigh ... Ask if Soh is Sharizah's daughter, what would she do?) So, you want to suggest this type of person through the backdoor to be deputy minister? Ask the Port Klang people how good was Dr.Tan when she was MP of Klang and as Parliamentary Secretary. But that type of superb and capable lady was pushed to dead corner by MCA, till she had to leave. Hope the Alliance Party can fully utilize and use her capability and ability to optimum, otherwise is a great waste to the nation!
... to continue ...

Anonymous said...

... continued ...
4. Why Tan Seri Tee must be appointed as the Wilayah KL's MCA chief when he is already the treasurer of MCA? Why can't leave the post of Tan who had won high votes as the central committee?
5. Why when Selangor, a state falling into the reign of Alliance Party, a critical state that needs more care and attention, he as the No 1 Man didn't stay in Selangor to help BN to win back Selangor? See, our beloved PM is leading the UMNO in Selangor now, and that's the way all other MCA leaders should be ashamed of because they don't have the guts to do that! If not at least leave the state to Lim SC, who is local and been in Selangor long, compared to a Terengganu man who has already obtained several high posts through backdoors.
6. My humble question and suggestion: If you are the No. 1 Man, would you appoint Dr. Chua as the Chairman of Johore MCA and Ong KC as the Secretary General (because his people voted for you to win the seat) but both won't be appointed as minister due to some reasons so as to gain supports from both sides? Then the disciples of both sides will praise you and say that you are very kind and you are a forgiving man. Will you? I will, but dream only because I'm not involved in politics, just day dreaming and speaking nuts, haha.
I don't mean to dig Dr. Chua’s wound but just I was told by a police inspector that Dr. Chua can file a civil case against the persons who keeps maleficently and maliciously dismayed, demeant and damaged your name and family life especially if Dr. Chua’s wife and children felt uneasy because of seemingly aroused public obloquy especially when the case was officially closed by MCA Disciplinary Board headed by Tan last year and the police also closed the case. Why didn't Dr. Chua do that? He can win the case!
I just don't know what the hell is wrong with the people in this world, especially in our beloved motherland. A person who has the courage to apologize and design from every post but later due to strong supports from grassroots who see his ability, capability and accountability cannot be given a chance to contribute to the nation again! Goosh, those people who only put up masks to be good people are in fact not better than demons and devils!!!!
It's an indisputable fact that many silent people support Dr. Chua's courage and strong will and his ability to lead. In fact, I heard from most medical staff and patients who frequent hospitals regularly, Dr. Chua was the best Minister of Health thus far! (Please, I am not polishing Dr. Chua's shoes, haha!)
I beg your thousand apology if there is anything you feel offended. This is merely a plain daydream opinion. Buddha bless Datuk and all of you sincere bloggers!